Language Learning Through Songs and Poems With Encore!!!


Learning a new language can be a challenging task, which requires time, effort, and lots of practice. However, it can become even more challenging when the process is dull and uninteresting. Using music and poetry in language learning can be a fantastic way to keep students engaged and entertained while learning. Music and poetry can introduce new words and syntax to a student’s vocabulary and build essential communication skills. Additionally, they can convey cultural meanings and help students to understand the culture behind the art. These forms of verse can be easily memorized and help students to develop a long-term recollection of words in a more fun way.

Encore!!!, a language learning app, can be an ideal tool for using music and poetry in language learning. Teachers can develop a module based on a song or series of songs to teach students new words and grammar. The module can also explore the figurative language in the words and challenge students to use their imagination to create a new song from the lessons they learned. Choosing a catchy and fun song appropriate for the language level of students with challenging vocabulary is the first and most important step. Teachers can then prepare a list of vocabulary words and create a short and simple dictionary with definitions for each word. By using music and poetry in language learning, students can learn more effectively while enjoying the process.

Check out the full article for more information/


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