
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2021

How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?

  Learning a new language is not neccessarily difficult. There are many factors that effect the language learning process, that is why it is impossible to say for sure how long it will take you to learn a certain language. Let's talk more about these factors: 1. Your attitude and motivation. Anyone who has had to learn a new language in school recognizes the importance of personal motivation and attitude in learning. You're significantly more likely to memorize new vocabulary and understand tough grammatical points if you look forward to each and every study session than if you despise it. 2. Your language background. Some languages are sufficiently similar that speakers can communicate comfortably with one another. Great examples include Czech and Slovak. But if you are an English speaker, you will be shocked if you try to learn Mandarin Chinese, Japanese , or Arabic . 3. Your learning style. Every language learner is unique. Some people prefer to study alone, while others lik